- Best Parks in the World -

Seven Pretty City Parks

A city break is always an interesting option, offering museums, art galleries, restaurants, bars, and all the iconic sights and sounds we associate with that spot.

However, cities are also noisy and sometimes stressful places. That’s where knowing where a local park is can be a very good thing, and offer an hour or two of soothing calm and peace before you continue your foray into all your city of choice has to offer.

Another option in cities, of course, in particular in large metropolis, is to stay in day rooms in London via, for example. Essentially, you rent a room for an hour or two in order to get some peace, shower, nap, or all three. This is another wonderful way of getting a little quiet time on a hectic trip.

Here, then, are seven pretty city parks, providing peace and sanctuary to all travellers:

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Hyde Park - this London green space provides grass, flowers and trees, as well as a lovely lake and views of Buckingham Palace.

Central Park - is New York’s main green area. Often appearing in films and TV shows, it possesses meadows and lakes and is the spot to find Strawberry Fields, and a flower area dedicated to the late John Lennon.



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Stanley Park - this 1000 acre wilderness is Vancouver’s pride and joy. It features a stunning sea wall; performances in the summer; and Lost Lagoon, a gorgeous freshwater lake.

Hibiya Park - step into Tokyo’s central park area and suddenly you’re in a different world to the neon and bustle which surrounds it. This park is home to many cherry blossom trees, of course.

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Griffith Park - this Los Angeles sanctum is a spectacular 4200 acres of rolling hills and views of the Pacific ocean.

Luxembourg Garden - the Latin Quarter in Paris is home to this beautiful area of parkland. It boasts greenhouses full of tropical flowers as well as gardens in both French and English styles.

Ibirapuera Park - is São Paulo’s main green space. It was  built in 1954 to commemorate the city’s 400th anniversary and is so huge as to also contain several buildings.

Finding Sanctuary in a City


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Finding peace and quiet in a city can sometimes be tricky. There are so many sounds to contend with - the tidal roar of traffic; the screech of horns and tyres; the shouts and screams of humans; chatter, seemingly endless, and filling the city streets like a tsunami wave of aural sound.

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Peace can seem elusive; quiet can, we believe, prove impossible.
But, silence can be sourced, if you just know where to look (and where to listen). Why not try:

- the park?

- a church?

- the foyer of a hotel?

- inside a cinema?

- a waiting room?

- a library?

- certain cafes?

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If things get really hectic then even stepping into a telephone box can get rid of excess noise and provide respite for a brief while, before you continue on your way to an ever quieter destination.

Best City Parks in Europe

 YouTube Video